Community Cocina: Pandebono Colombiano
Just a couple of weeks ago on Thursday, August 16th, QLatinx's Community Cocina celebrated its renewal with the first dish of its new...

REEL PRIDE - QLatinx Partners with Come Out with Pride 2018
As part of the Orlando Pride's amazing week long celebration of the LGBTQ+ community, we invite you to join us on Tuesday, October 9th a

QLatinx Hosts Salud! 2018: Summer Wellness Fair
Join QLatinx, the Act Against AIDS initiative, and nearly a dozen other incredible organizations for Salud! 2018 Summer Wellness Fair...

QLatinx at the Rosh Jewish Community Center
On Tuesday, June 6, 2018 the QLatinx team lead an in-depth discussion on Sexuality and Gender Diversity at the Roth Jewish Community...

Community Cocina: Arepas Venezolanas
On May 10th we came together to prepare some delicious arepas and to break bread as a family, while learning about the history and...

Community Cocina: Brazilian Bobó de Camarão
Last month, we worked together to cook a sweet, flavorful bobó de camarão! This food's ingredients are a beautiful blend of Brazilian and...

Grassroots Organizing: The Fundamentals of Effective Fundraising
Last night, as part of our two-part Grassroots Organizing series, QLatinx members shared space to develop tools in order to become...

Community Cocina: Colombian Bandeja Paisa
This past Thursday we had a great time cooking a big bandeja paisa together! We couldn't have cooked such a large dish without everyone's...

Grassroots Organizing: Building Blocks of a Social Movement
Last night, members of QLatinx gathered together to discuss effective strategies of movement building at a grassroots level. Our...

Community Cocina: Argentinian Alfajores
Last night we had another incredible evening during our Community Cocina program! We are truly thankful to everyone that took their time...