In this Picture:
Stephen Vasquez
Hablando ¡ALTO! Ambassador

QLatinx is an autonomous grassroots organization fiscally sponsored by the LGBT+ Center Orlando, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization. The LGBT+ Center Orlando, Inc. seeks to promote and empower the LGBT+ community and its allies through information, education, advocacy, and support. For this reason, when individuals make an online donation, they will receive a thank you receipt by email, thanking them for their tax-deductible donation made to LGBT+ Center Orlando, Inc.
There are many ways to give to QLatinx.
In addition to accepting donations by credit card, you may also mail a check to LGBT+ Center Orlando, Inc. (with QLatinx in the memo line), as well as payroll deductions, workplace giving, securities, and planned gifts, for instructions and more information contact us at
We’ll be happy to talk with you about any questions you might have.