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Undocumented and Unafraid, Queer and Unashamed

Twice in one week the U.S. Supreme Court has made history and put our communities before a reckless and authoritarian administration. Just a few hours ago in a historic 5-4 victory, the Supreme Court decided the way Trump ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was "arbitrary and capricious", meaning that DACA survives...for now.

We recognize that while this victory is one that has been hard-fought and is deserving of celebration, we know that DACA is not enough! We must call on Congress to pass permanent solutions for all Dreamers and our families. We must call on our local and state elected officials to commit to ending relationships with dangerous deportation enforcement agencies and policies that criminalize our undocumented families, like Florida’s Federal Immigration Enforcement law that went into effect in 2019.

We must call on our lawmakers to demilitarize and defund Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), knowing that these agencies are vehicles of terror that separate families and promote the violent and racist criminalization of our communities.

In the middle of Pride month, in the midst of a global health pandemic, and in the wake of increasing police violence against Black lives, we must remain diligent in our commitment to justice. Our movement needs you. Our movement is ready for you.

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