Community Cocina: Pandebono Colombiano
Just a couple of weeks ago on Thursday, August 16th, QLatinx's Community Cocina celebrated its renewal with the first dish of its new year: Colombian pandebono! Pandebono, also known as pan de bono, is a traditional Colombian dish consisting of baked cheesy dough. It's delicious whether you're on the go or sitting and drinking your Colombian coffee in the morning!
Recipe below is bilingual:
2/3 taza de almidón de cassava o harina de yuca – 2/3 cup of cassava starch or yuca flour
1/4 taza de masarepa o harina de maíz (preparada) – 1/4 cup of masarepa or precooked cornmeal
1 taza de queso fresco Mexicano o quesito Colombiano – 1 cup Mexican queso fresco or Colombian quesito
1 ¼ taza de queso feta - 1 ¼ cup feta cheese
1 huevo – 1 egg
Precalienta el horno a 400°F. Pre-heat the oven to 400°F.
En un procesor de alimentos, pon la harina de yuca, queso, y masarepa. Dejalo hasta que sea bien mezclado. Pon el huevo mientras el procesor mezcla. In a food processor, place the yuca flour, cheese and masarepa. Process until well combined. Add the egg while the food processor is running.
Separa la mezcla en 12 pedazos iguales, haciendolo redondos. Divide the mixture into 12 equal size portions, shaping them into balls.
Ponlos en una bandeja de horno con papel de horno y hornealos por 15-20 minutos o hasta que sean dorados. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for about 15 to 20 minutes or until golden on top.
¡Disfruta! Enjoy!