Trust Orlando Coalition's Campaign Kickoff

After several months of building, organizing, conversing and strategizing we are happy to announce the Trust Orlando Coalition's official campaign kickoff! The coalition is comprised of 36 unions, community organizations, and faith groups united together to ensure the City of Orlando stands as a welcoming home for immigrant communities.
As a coalition, we are organizing for the passage of the Trust Act, an ordinance which would make sure that the City of Orlando not participate in federal immigration enforcement.
QLatinx is a proud member of this incredibly powerful group of leaders, and we are honored to elevate the voices of the LGBTQ+ Latinx community as we seek to foster a community of inclusion and empowerment.
Thank you to our coalition partners, our wonderful team of volunteers, the amazing and powerful speakers, and all of the incredible people that came out in support of this work!
In case you missed it, click HERE to watch the full coverage of the official launch in its entirety!
Thank you, Gustavo, for using your voice to uplift the narratives of countless current and former DREAMERS and UndocuQueer youth from across the country and sharing your truth, and lived experience, with our local community. We are honored and humbled to have you as a leader in QLatinx advocating for immigrant and LGBTQ rights.
To stay connected and learn more about how to support the work of the Trust Orlando Coalition, visit their Facebook page: Trust Orlando Coalition.
Coalition Partners
AFSCME Local 3345
ACLU of Florida
Astera Law Group
Central Florida AFL-CIO
Central Florida Jobs with Justice
Communication Workers of America Local 3108
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Equality Florida
Florida Immigrant Coalition
Florida Student Power Network
Hope CommUnity Center
Iniciativa Acción Puertorriqueña
Interfaith Council of Central Florida
Latino Leadership Institute - Orlando Chapter
LatinoJustice PRLDEF
Law Offices of Ingrid Morfa
League of Women Voters Orange County Immigration Committee
Mi Familia Vota Comite Fuerza Inmigrante
Mi Familia Vota Education Fund
Muslim Women's Organization
National Council of La Raza
National Farm Worker Ministry Youth and Young Adult Network
Orange County Classroom Teachers Association
Orange Education Support Professional Association
Organize Florida
Rollins College Imagine Justice
Student Labor Action Project at UCF
The Farmworker Association of Florida
UCF Progressive Student Coalition
United Auto Workers Local 1649
Unite Here Local 362
Unite Here Local 737
United Faculty of Florida - UCF