Latino/x Organizations Say Basta! Enough!
QLatinx has joined national Latino/x civil rights and advocacy organizations across the country to call on members of Congress to...

Official Response from QLatinx on President Trump's 2019 State of the Union Address
This evening, we stood shoulder to shoulder with community leaders, advocates for social justice and cultural transformation and members...

Support LGBTQ+ Refugees At the Border
On December 16th, our partners at the Florida Immigrant Coalition are taking a contingent of lawyers, doctors, interpreters, and other...

City of Orlando Passes Historic TRUST Act
On Monday July 23rd, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and the Orlando City Commissioners voted unanimously to adopt and pass the TRUST Act resolutio

#FamiliesBelongTogether ✊
The Trump Administration is needlessly and cruelly separating children from their families as they enter the United States seeking asylum. T

This Valentine's Day, We Are Heartbroken
In January, sheriffs from 17 Florida counties announced plans to work more closely than ever with Immigration and Customs Enforcement...


Come Out with Pride 2017
I want to personally extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the entire team of volunteers that came out in support of QLatinx at...

Trust Orlando Coalition's Campaign Kickoff
After several months of building, organizing, conversing and strategizing we are happy to announce the Trust Orlando Coalition's official...