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⚠ #HomophobicJoelGottaGo ⚠

Joel Greenberg's Facebook post that reads: if straight people would stop having gay babies... does that solve the issue?

A second constituent of Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg has come forward and shared a hateful remark that Greenberg made regarding the LGBTQ+ community. In his post, Greenberg writes: "If straight people would stop having gay babies... does that solve the issue?" This follows a comment revealed earlier this week made by Greenberg, who has yet to comment on his history of homophobia.

A screenshot shared with QLatinx where he promotes homophobic bullying.

In addition to a history of harassing and hateful rhetoric against members of the Muslim community by Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg, it is becoming clearer that he has a long history of making violent and hateful homophobic comments that seek to divide and tear apart our beloved community.

His words perpetuate extremely and irreversible violence against LGBTQ+ people, and we are absolutely heartbroken by Greenberg's behavior and abhorrent nature. As an elected official, Greenberg has a responsibility to publicly apologize and for him to announce his resignation from his role as Tax Collector.

In addition to calling for his resignation, community members are also being urged to sign this petition directed as FL Governor Rick Scott demanding that he remove Greenberg from his post:

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