QLatinx Honors National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day
April 10th marks the annual recognition of National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD). NYHAAD reminds us of the importance of investing in young people’s health and education.
Tonight, QLatinx joins other phenomenal organizations across Central Florida to host a fest of fun for youth and their families to learn more about HIV & AIDS in the Central Florida community. There will be art, delicious food, games, and trivia for all! Additionally, we'll be hosting a community conversation specially designed for guardians and parents. We hope to see you all there!
Broadcast your messages on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook using the hashtag #NYHAAD. Add your stories, photos and video links to this conversation along with #NYHAAD at the end of your tweets and photo posts. Use #NYHAADOrlando to tell people this #NYHAAD what the rights of young people in the wake of the HIV/AIDS epidemic are!
When communities, schools and families work together they can help prevent HIV among youth. #NYHAAD
63% of millennials say that the US Govenment should spend more on HIV. #NYHAAD
Prioritize the narratives of young people in the response to HIV & AIDS. #NYHAAD
Among young people living with HIV, only 13% are receiving enough medicine so that the virus suppressed.
80% of new HIV cases among young women ages 13-24 are young women of color. #NYHAAD
We need prevention programs that address cultural needs and build their skills of condom use and negotiation. #NYHAAD
87% of new HIV cases among young men ages 13-24 are young men of color. #NYHAAD