QLatinx Honored at Equality Florida Annual Central Florida Gala
We are truly honored and humbled to have been recognized by Equality Florida at their 2017 Greater Orlando Gala and to have received the distinction of their Voice Equality Award for our contributions to the advancement and empowerment of Central Florida's LGBTQ+ Latinx community.
One year ago, when we began this journey, it was to find a sense of grounding and healing for our community and ourselves, as collectively, we were awash with trauma, overcome by painstaking grief, and bereaving our fallen in the midst of the greatest tragedy ever to befall our community. In those sacred spaces we shared; the time we held; the wisdom we exchanged; and, the strength and comfort we extended we recognized that true healing springs when people are affirmed, given an opportunity to build meaningful and authentic connect.
In the words of our Executive Director, Christopher Cuevas, "when the glass walls that barr access to care and community are removed, when we shine a light on the most invisibilized parts of our community, when we validate their existence and honor their magic then we are blessed to bear witness to the true beauty and resiliency of our community."
This work, while arduous at times, is incredibly rewarding and it is our eternal blessing to play a role in furthering the work of social change for Queer and Trans people of color communities. The philosophy of our work, since its inception, has been rooted in the centering of not only the experiences, but the leadership of a community with tremendous potential to impact social change. Through this work we’ve made a commitment to honoring the voices of our communities that exists at the margins of society and we push ahead to create a platform for them to lead the movement for Queer and Trans Justice.